Oil Industry

  • Salt Lake Tribune’s editorial wonders why Utah congressionals so negative except for drilling and mining- Opinion of the Salt Lake Tribune. Recreation Wealth. July 4, 2011.  DOI report says Utah benefits economically more from recreation on Department of Interior lands than any other state. This article is based on the same data as our earlier…

  • Role of past Wyoming politicians in corrupting MMS doesn’t phase them- And it’s bow down before Wyoming’s true rulers. Praise in the Casper Star Tribune. By Dustin Bleizeffer.  They would never hurt Wyoming like they did the Gulf of Mexico. – – – – – – Related Oil companies have spent little on oil spill…

  • Politicians puffed up today in Washington over gas prices, each side with their own canned hyperbole-laden talking points at the ready. My pick of the day is House chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Rep. David Obey’s statements : An Inexhaustible Energy Source: Heated Words. But Can It Be Tapped? NYTimes “This is a con job,”…

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