
  • Lawsuits and congressional action are likely to void the gutting of section 7 of ESA- This has already been reported in the comments on one of the threads here;  but for everyone this is what has happened. California filed suit to overturn the Bush/Kempthorne diminishment of section 7 consultation. Congress is right now moving to…

  • Probably not- Nevertheless, an Oregon paper asked the question. Trouble is there is no grizzly bear corridor into Oregon. Grizzlies would first have to fill up central Idaho where there are probably none. There have been sightings of “grizzlies” for years in NE Oregon, but not one verified. Moose enter Oregon, so are grizzlies next?…

  • Recent polls show Jeff Merkely tied or ahead of GOP incumbent Gordon Smith who has supported the Bush Plan (keep the dams) on the lower Snake River in Washington state. This is a regional (Pacific Northwest) issue, not a Washington state issue. Most fishery biologists think worthwhile salmon recovery in Idaho can’t happen with these…

  • Oregon is cracking down a bit on shooting elk in an enclosure. Idaho seems to be the Western state that is relentlessly backward on this odious practice. Prohibition on shooter bulls goes into effect next year. The East Oregonian

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