
  • The Idaho BLM is proposing to remove juniper from over 600,000 acres of land in the Owyhee River area of southern Idaho ostensibly to benefit nesting sage grouse. Sage grouse avoid treed areas, so the idea is to cut down juniper to increase sage grouse habitat quality. While there is no doubt from the literature…

  • In yesterday’s post about the Owyhee “Group 1” grazing decision we discussed the NRCS Ecological Site Descriptions for Juniper Mountain that inaccurately describe the vegetation and magically discount the native juniper forests that exist there.    In the Environmental Assessment the BLM states: “Ecological site descriptions for Castlehead-Lambert allotment do not identify the presence of juniper…

  • Channels Bush and adds a presidential signing statement- Updates to 4-2. State specific information added at end of post There was much rejoicing as the President signed the Omnibus Public Lands Bill, usually and incorrectly called the giant new “wilderness bill.” It does add 2-million acres to the National Wilderness Preservation System, but it does…

  • Owyhees bill hits a new snag. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman. Efforts to move the headwaters of the Snake River into the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System could derail Idaho Senator Mike Crapo’s Owyhees bill. Once again the person troubling Crapo is Idaho’s other “more famous” senator, Larry Craig. Craig who voted against protecting…

  • Yesterday I posted about the passage of the bill to protect the vast Wyoming Mountain range from oil and gas — a big matter for Wyoming. The same committee also passed Idaho Senator Mike Crapo’s “Owyhee bill,” which failed at the last minute at the end of the last Congress. This has been very controversial…

  • Owyhee Canyonlands protections back before Congress. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman

  • Video of the condition of Current Creek in the Owyhee.

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