political corruption

  • While those of us who care about our public lands and wildlife are often focused on on-the-ground conditions for this species or that, we can lose sight of the bigger picture. So many of the wildlands and wildlife problems we are concerned about are merely symptoms of agency capture, corruption. “The tendency of regulators to…

  • After the California Wolf Center posted a YouTube video of a phone interview with Dr. John Vucetich, who was blacklisted from being part of the peer review because he signed a letter that opposed the nationwide delisting of wolves, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has halted the selection of peer reviewers.  According to E&E…

  • Agency inspectors have still been accepting oil company gifts- Lawmakers assail Minerals Management Service. By Perry Bacon Jr., David A. Fahrenthold and Steven Mufson. Washington Post Staff Writer. The agency might be beyond the ability to be reformed.

  • They even resent wildlife guzzlers– “Members of the [Nevada] state Board of Agriculture argue that as their numbers increase, guzzlers are altering the landscape and taking precious resources, whether water or forage, from ranchers. They want to stop the Nevada Department of Wildlife from constructing any new guzzlers and are exploring possible legal challenges. Some…

  • Again, it’s not about disease, it’s about control over land, wildlife and people. Bison in quarantine near Gardiner. Photo © Kim Acheson, Buffalo Field Campaign Used with permission. While I think that the quarantine plan is misguided I do believe that those bison in the program should be allowed to roam freely as wildlife. This…

  • Critical habitat expanded from 1,841 square miles to 39,000. Julie MacDonald was involved in limiting lynx critical habitat to areas they already existed. Charges of meddling at FWS lead to expanded lynx habitat New York Times Thanks to Virginia for pointing this story out.

  • Julie MacDonald interfered with every ESA decision for political reasons- A high-ranking Interior Department official tainted nearly every decision made on the protection of endangered species over five years, a new inspector general report finds, concluding she exerted improper political interference on many more rulings than previously thought. Julie MacDonald was deputy assistant secretary of…

  • So, is this what “drill, baby drill” means? 😉 As Congress prepares to debate expansion of drilling in taxpayer-owned coastal waters, the Interior Department agency that collects oil and gas royalties has been caught up in a wide-ranging ethics scandal — including allegations of financial self-dealing, accepting gifts from energy companies, cocaine use and sexual…

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