
  • Robert G. Stanton will be Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Policy, Management, and Budget- Stanton was National Park Director under Clinton Here is the news release from the Department of Interior: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today appointed former National Park Service Director Robert G. Stanton as Deputy Assistant…

  • Maybe the illegal ATV protest ride up the Paria River will be punished– Thanks to Elizabeth Parker for calling my attention to this new development. Feds reviewing BLM evidence from ATV protest ride. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. – – – – – Earlier. Protesters roar through fed lands. By Mark Havnes. The…

  • S1232 was signed into law yesterday by Governor Otter. The law mandates the Idaho Fish and Game Department to “cooperatively develop best management practices with the permittee(s) on the allotment(s)”. To many this is a non-starter and does not address the fundamental problems with grazing domestic sheep in proximity to bighorn sheep. S1232a – F&G,…

  • Senate Bill 183 would limit the number of wolves in Montana to 225. Montana State Senator Joe Balyeat (R-Belgrade) has introduced Senate Bill 183 which would limit the number of wolves in Montana to just 225. Currently the estimated number of wolves in Montana is around 500 according to the recently released Montana Gray Wolf…

  • Idaho Sheep Ranchers are Struggling Against Reality. The law and science are not on their side so they are pressuring the State to come up with a solution to protect them. On Thursday February 26th the second meeting of what is being called the “Bighorn Sheep/Domestic Sheep Advisory Group” was held in Boise. At this…

  • Meeting to decide the fate of bighorn sheep on public lands. There will be a meeting in Boise on Thursday to discuss formation of a policy which will more likely try to save sheep operators rather than the remaining bighorn sheep in Idaho. The interim policy calls for killing bighorn sheep that come into direct…

  • Are these people serious? A cow would have to dig up a den to contract brucellosis from a wolf. This is ridiculous. Wyoming lawmakers want to test wolves for brucellosis By MATT JOYCE Of The Associated Press

  • The Subsidized Destruction of the American West Continues. $1.35 per AUM The Federal grazing fee for 2009 will be $1.35 per animal unit month (AUM) for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and $1.35 per head month (HM) for lands managed by the Forest Service. The grazing fee for 2009 is the…

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