
  • The headline came from an email sent my one of the folks who reads this blog. Below is a guest opinion from the Montana Stockgrowers who recently sacrificed their friends in the Montana Cattle Association on the false god of brucellosis control. Guest Opinion to the Gazette: Brucellosis policy must protect ranchers. By Steve Roth…

  • You might say, “how’s that? I know it is awful language and a fraud, but how is it dangerous to wildlife watching and hunting in general? It is dangerous because it arguably transfers ownership of the state’s wildlife to outfitters. Let me write that again, it implicitly transfers ownership of Idaho wildlife from the state…

  • People of faith have joined with hunters and blue-collar workers in southwest Wyoming to protest a small exploratory drilling project proposed south of Rock Springs. Rest of the story. By Jeff Gearino. Casper Star Tribune. Anyone think Wyoming SFW will help these folks, or will they cry “wolf!”?

  • News From Montana by Salle Engelhardt, vice president Wolf Recovery Foundation On December 9, 2007 Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks reconvened the original wolf management plan citizen advisory council in order to discuss their views on parameters for a future season on wolves after delisting takes place. The State of Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks…

  • This story is about Cheney’s recent “hunting” trip. The Alternet headline is about the slaughter of animals. It does appear not to be a fair chase hunt, but the thing that I think should impress most folks the most, especially those who live in the West, is that guys like Cheney have no need for…

  • This energy bill keeps getting worse. This concession is certainly bad news for many ranchers who own what is called “split estate” land as well making sure the more sensitive parts of public lands are not drilled. I don’t like the emphasis on renewables as written because much of this is corn ethanol which isn’t…

  • Wow! the legal kickback on the Bush Administration’s lack of attention to the laws is coming fast and furious. Two days ago, it was the big sage grouse case (which impacts way more than this beautiful upland game bird). Now is it his administration’s misnamed “Healthy Forests Initiative. Story. Associated Press. Appeals Court Blocks Bush…

  • The decision could have widespread ramifications for sage grouse habitat, which includes portions of at least eight Western states, including large swaths of Montana and Wyoming and the Powder River Basin, where there’s intense interest in energy development. Brodie Farquhar has an article about the politics of it in Wyoming. ‘Wyoming officials say listing the…

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