
  • When I heard about the Interior Department’s decision to reverse the changes that the Bush Administration made to the policy on wild lands protection I was pleased. However, I remain skeptical at how the policy will be implemented by the current bunch running BLM who I don’t really trust. There is no doubt, however, how…

  • During a talk in Spokane, Washington given by the director of the Washington Fish and Wildlife Department about how budget cuts were affecting the department the subject of wolves came up and then things got ugly. A response blurted out from the middle of the room: “Why don’t we shoot some legislators?” a man said.…

  • Calls recent Montana report “misleading”. Carter Niemeyer’s recent book “Wolfer” described, in great detail, the inner workings of Wildlife Services for whom he worked as their Montana western supervisor from 1975-1990 and as their Montana wolf specialist for the following 10 years until he took a post in Idaho as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife…

  • Could be introduced and voted on tonight Northern Rocky Mountain Gray Wolf Recovery and Sustainability Act of 2010 Title: To remove the Northern Rocky Mountain distinct population segment of the gray wolf from the list of threatened species or the list of endangered species published under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and for other…

  • The governors meeting in Las Vegas this week. Okay, so now governors are arguing that the Endangered Species Act should be gutted because swarms of prairie dogs are digging into golf courses. Need I say more? “The frustration level is reaching the breaking point in many levels because of this act,” said Utah Gov. Gary…

  • The New York Times Weighs in on the wolf issue. The New York Times doesn’t like the proposed legislation which would remove protections from wolves either. Either [bill] would set a terrible precedent, opening the door for special-interest groups to push other inconvenient species off the list. The bills would undercut one of the primary…

  • Warranted but precluded (by politics) Has America’s most popular environmental law become incapable of protecting our most vulnerable fellow species? With the number of species becoming imperiled increasing as population, consumption, climate change grows, the Obama Administration is providing legal protection to fewer species using the excuse that there are not enough resources. This can…

  • Western Democrats want to gut the Endangered Species Act Jon Tester, the Democratic Senator for Montana, is facing a tough re-election battle in 2012 which may hinge on the wolf issue. He is desperate to find a solution which allows the State of Montana to manage wolves and wants to get something passed in the…

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