
  • On last day of court-ordered deadline, USFWS does not announce plan, but asks for an extension- U.S. Fish and Wildlife misses deadline on jaguar recovery plan. By Susan Montoya Bryan. Associated Press.

  • Interior Secretary Ken Salazar may leave his post to run for Colorado Governor’s post Salazar gets White House OK for run By Michael Riley The Denver Post

  • Will there be a similar flight for opponents of the mining? No. A state owned plane carrying Lt. Gov. Brad Little, Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, House Assistant Majority Leader Scott Bedke, deputy Attorney General Clive Strong, and mining lobbyist Jack Lyman for a tour of eastern Idaho phosphate mining areas was paid for by mining…

  • Dr. Marie Bulgin’s daughter was involved with the unpublished study of the 1994 incidents. “Dr. Bulgin distorts the scientific facts to support her one-sided views as an advocate of the domestic sheep industry,” wrote William Foreyt, a Washington State University professor, in a May 5 letter to the Idaho Senate, which this year passed legislation…

  • Cites political interference from the Idaho Legislature. The Idaho Conservation League has become the second group to resign from the BHS/DS Advisory Group. The first was the Nez Perce Tribe who cited the same reasons for resigning.  Currently the Group is suspended while the Idaho Fish and Game and the sheep permitees develop “best management…

  • Questions about who knew what and when they knew it. The controversy over whether domestic sheep transmit deadly pathogens to bighorn sheep seems to have been settled. At issue now is whether studies were intentionally suppressed by staff of the Caine Veterinary Teaching Center in Caldwell Idaho, whether leadership at the lab had cultivated a…

  • Domestic sheep DO transmit deadly disease to bighorn sheep. This weekend has turned out to be an interesting one in the world of the domestic sheep/bighorn sheep controversy. Rocky Barker reported on his blog that he had the infamous “study” that Marie Bulgin “missed” but it’s not the one at issue in the big story…

  • Collaborative effort to save public lands domestic sheep grazing suspended in favor of a more closed process mandated by the Legislature and the Governor. The Governor, Legislators, and sheepmen apparently didn’t like the direction the Bighorn Sheep/Domestic Sheep Advisory Group was headed so the whole effort was scuttled…… for now. Many of the groups participating…

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