Predator Control
This installment of Tom Knudson’s series in the Sacremento Bee investigates the efficacy of USDA Wildlife Services’ predator killing program to benefit wildlife. In short, it doesn’t, it generally causing more harm than good and could be having impacts on disease such as the plague due to the increase of rodents after control actions. In…
Tom Knudson of the Sacremento Bee has been working on this very important and eye opening series about USDA Wildlife Services for several months. I was contacted by him in December last year and we talked about several issues related to WS and their killing. This first installment of three introduces people to the agency…
In Idaho Wildlife Services has historically received most of its funding from the federal government but this year those funds were cut by $247,000. To make up for the shortfall guess where the Idaho livestock industry is going to go. Yup, you guessed it. They are going to the Idaho Legislature with their hands out.…
Drops gassing of pups in their dens and sterilization but continues heavy handed killing of wolves. Public Comments accepted until January 3, 2011 In anticipation of Monday’s federal court hearing of a case brought by Western Watersheds Project, Wildlife Services has revised its Idaho Wolf Environmental Assessment. While the new EA drops gassing of wolf…
Calls recent Montana report “misleading”. Carter Niemeyer’s recent book “Wolfer” described, in great detail, the inner workings of Wildlife Services for whom he worked as their Montana western supervisor from 1975-1990 and as their Montana wolf specialist for the following 10 years until he took a post in Idaho as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife…
The Skunks and Badgers leave island with pelicans. The plan to introduce skunks and badgers to an island in Eastern Idaho’s Blackfoot River Reservoir so that they would prey on pelican eggs has failed because the skunks and badgers have left the island. Badgers, skunks to F&G: Thanks but no thanks to island plan. By…
Wildlife Services employee fired for reporting the illegal killing of two mountain lions from an airplane by co-workers. How much of this kind of thing actually happens? I’ve definitely heard of cases where wolves were shot at and injured by WS. AP EXCLUSIVE: Wildlife whistleblower case in NV Scott Sonner, Associated Press
115 groups call for the end of the agency which kills 1 million animals each year. Call for end to USDA’s wildlife killing agency SCOTT SONNER The Associated Press