Prudhoe Bay

  • I published Energy: Overdevelopment and The Delusion of Endless Growth a few years ago. In my research for that book, I gained a couple of insights about energy and its ultimate costs. First, oil and gas are sold on the global market, ultimately setting the price of oil and gas at the pump. Second, energy companies…

  • One of the first Executive Orders from the Trump Whitehouse is to reverse environmental protections for federal lands in Alaska and hasten, expand, and encourage resource development. Sec. 2.  Policy.  It is the policy of the United States to: (a)  fully avail itself of Alaska’s vast lands and resources for the benefit of the Nation…

  • Narvak-Lake-headwaters-of-Kobuk-River-Gates-of-Arctic-NP-Alaska-Brooks-Range. Photo George-Wuerthner While much conservation and political attention have focused on whether to allow oil development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, another project, the Ambler Mining Project, and road construction proposal may pose even greater threats to the Arctic’s wildlife and wildlands. Despite this threat, The Ambler project has thus far received far…

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