
  • The cougar was accidentally tracked as it made its way from the Black Hills through mid-West and Canada to end up under the wheels of an SUV in Connecticut- Connecticut Mountain Lion Traveled from South Dakota. The cougar’s 1,100-mile journey is the longest ever recorded. By Michael Dinan. The New Rochelle Patch

  • A followup article to the one about the Eastern cougar declared extinct- Call of the cougar long gone from the East. Big cats extinct despite reports of sightings, federal officials say. By Brian Nearing. Times Union Staff Writer, OR not The Eastern Cougar: Dead or Alive? By Felicity Barringer. New York Times. Eastern catamount may…

  • However, turns out there never was such an animal distinct from the Western cougar- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service this week said  the eastern cougar was extinct, and said it should be taken off the endangered species. However, it turns out most think the Eastern cougar was a distinction that made no difference because…

  • This was the fifth killed in a decade- Hunter kills cougar in Iowa. By Bob Eschliman. World-Herald News Service.

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