Sage Grouse

  • Only 1500 birds left in the state Habitat destruction and fragmentation has caused a severe reduction in sage grouse numbers in South Dakota. Livestock grazing and energy development, especially wind, is a serious threat to the remaining birds there. The birds are behaviorally disposed to avoid tall vertical structures because they provide perches to predators.…

  • 1000 turbine wind farm proposed in Wyoming “Core” Sage Grouse Habitat It seems the Wyoming Governor’s “core” sage grouse habitat mapping doesn’t mean much. Removal of fencing or marking it with reflectors doesn’t get around the fact that there will be gigantic wind turbines in the middle of sage grouse habitat. Sage grouse don’t like…

  • But they continue to ignore the biggest threat to their habitat……….. GRAZING. $16 million in handouts for this year alone. The NRCS is handing out more money to ranchers for “habitat conservation” or “habitat improvement” projects that maintain grazing on public lands. There are some projects such as fence removal that will be funded but…

  • NDoW opposes killing of predators says habitat is the issue. There is a battle raging in Nevada about predator control under the guise of helping deer and sage grouse. As it turns out the problem isn’t about predators but about habitat quality. For years the BLM and the ranchers have colluded in an effort to…

  • For immediate release – March 8, 2010 Contact: Jon Marvel, Executive Director, Western Watersheds Project – 208-788-2290 Laird Lucas, Executive Director, Advocates for the West – 208-870-7621 In response to the announcement on Friday March 5 by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar that the listing of greater sage-grouse and two of its distinct population…

  • More worried about protecting industry than wildlife. The Mono Basin sage grouse received a higher priority rating, a 3 on a scale of 1-12, as a candidate species than the larger populations elsewhere which received an 8 rating. Unbelievably the Chief of the Nevada Division of wildlife expressed greater concern about the industries that would…

  • ~ Jon Marvel Friends, Today, in response to successful litigation brought by Western Watersheds Project and our attorneys at Advocates For The West, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced Greater Sage Grouse would not be protected by listing the species under the protections of the Endangered Species Act. The Secretary did acknowledge that listing…

  • Interior: Grouse listing warranted but precluded By MEAD GRUVER (AP)

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