Sage Grouse

  • Sage grouse ~ sign of rock hopping in the mud in the Jarbidge: “sure shows why petroglyphs are so alluring – their irregularities imitate nature more precisely than a symmetrical or polished western-style depiction/image …” Photograph © Katie Fite 2008 – Western Watersheds Project

  • Protection weighed for sage grouse in West’s energy areas. By Scott Sonner. Associated Press.

  • U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service has wanted to back out of a court mediated deal to conduct and complete a “status review” on the sage grouse by May 2009. A status review looks at the the scientific literature to see if adding a species to the endangered or threatened species list is warranted. Earlier…

  • Below is the news release. These folks seem to win or make a favorable settlement on a lawsuit almost every day. Ralph Maughan —————— For Immediate Release, February 21, 2008Contacts: Lisa Belenky, Center for Biological Diversity, (415) 385-5694 (cell) Katie Fite, Biodiversity Director, Western Watersheds Project, (208) 429-1679 Mark Salvo, Director, Sagebrush Sea Campaign, WildEarth…

  • “Wildlife biologists from five Western states have reached consensus on the latest science regarding sage grouse and energy development. Despite much bristling from those in the oil and gas industry in recent months, the science does indicate that the current level of federal restrictions on the industry is not enough to adequately protect the iconic…

  • As if to underscore Jan. 15 concern of the members of the US House Natural Resources Committee members, Idaho’s State Senate Resources and Environment Committee had a hearing today with the Idaho Fish and Game Commissioners into a variety of wildlife unfriendly subjects such as wolves, bighorn sheep and sage grouse — those species Idaho’s…

  • The decision could have widespread ramifications for sage grouse habitat, which includes portions of at least eight Western states, including large swaths of Montana and Wyoming and the Powder River Basin, where there’s intense interest in energy development. Brodie Farquhar has an article about the politics of it in Wyoming. ‘Wyoming officials say listing the…

  • Talk about a blockbuster decision! Once again Julie MacDonald’s corrupt procedures at Interior have rebounded. The lawsuit was filed by Western Watersheds Project, and was represented by the conservation law firm, Advocates for the West. Story by Rocky Barker in the Idaho Statesman. Judge: Government must reconsider sage grouse I see where this is the…

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