Secretary of Interior

  • George Wuerthner analysis why Ken Salazar got the nod- Why Salazar?  By George Wuerthner, New West. One interesting thought is that with senator Ken Salazar gone, the much more progressive Mark Udall will become Colorado’s senior senator. I should add that for progressives to improve their senatorial lot in Colorado, Ken Salazar’s appointed replacement cannot…

  • Daniel Patterson’s blog has found a lot of quotes about Ken Salazar- Industry likes Salazar at Obama Interior, not greens. Daniel’s News and Notes. – – – – – So probably (I hope Buffaloed is right, another trial ballon)  a bad Secretary of Interior, and an EPA chief whose toxics record was so bad she…

  • Salazar was not first choice of conservationists- I guess I didn’t really need to write that. On the other hand, he is far better than Bush’s secretaries Gale Norton and Dirk Kempthorne, both the absolute bottom of the barrel. We’ll now see if he gets a free hand to choose the assistant secretaries  in DOI…

  • The recent rumors that rancher Ken Salazar is a shoe-in at Interior have flipped on its head many of Obama’s most fervent western supporters’ idea of what the President-elect’s campaign promise for big-‘C’ “Change” might mean.  That campaign slogan’s broad-sweeping allegation had many hopeful that a new outlook, an outlook responsive to Obama’s supporters on…

  • Grijalva didn’t raise enough campaign money for the House Democrats? Did Emanuel Scuttle Grijalva’s Nomination? Daily Kos

  • He has cancelled events today, Tuesday and Wednesday- He is a pretty traditional Democratic Party kind of nomination (assuming it is him).  He is a Democratic US Senator from Colorado, but Democrats won’t lose the seat because the Democratic governor has the power to appoint a replacement. Salazar is Hispanic, satisfying a category that was…

  • Grijalva steps up to the plate and goes to bat against another Bush Interior “midnight regulation” aimed at looting sacred water for the Peabody Western Coal Company while tribes perform spiritual ceremonies. Dang, if you listen close – that sounds like a John Prine endorsement to me !

  • 106 117 130 grassroots groups (and growing) from around the country signed a letter to President-elect Obama’s transition team officially endorsing Grijalva for Secretary of the Interior. Green Groups Galvanize Behind Grijalva For Interior Secretary Press Release – PEER Read the letter [pdf] As a decision approaches, the other name heavily floated as among those…

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