Things are finally looking up a bit for the 9-million acre proposal to conserve some of Utah’s finest BLM canyonlands- This bill has been wandering the wilderness for a long time, but now a supporter chairs the important House committee — Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz. The finally got a hearing. Odds against are long because Congress…
Were the interests of Utah protected in the water deal between Utah and Nevada to pipe underground desert water to Las Vegas? The Latest on this growing controversy. Snake Valley water split angers Utahns. Deseret News. By Amy Joi O’Donoghue. Utah-Nevada water plan draws fire. The proposal would divide water from the Snake Valley aquifer…
Any Utah Latter Day Saint knows the story how the Pioneers made the Utah desert “blossom as a rose,” but the real story is more complex- Grass was so deep in the early years where Tooele, Utah (Ta WILL ah) now stands that livestock were frequently lost in it. It was named Grass Valley. Anyone…
What is it about the small Utah bear population and Utahans? Man, 78, mauled by bear. “The man is recovering; the animal was shot and killed.” By Brett Prettyman. The Salt Lake Tribune. Earlier Utah bear stories posted here: Aug. 5, 2009. Utahans killing bears at record rates June 18, 2007. Utah black bear rips…
Critics say it will result in dust storms on Utah’s Wasatch Front- The plan to drain water out of the desert on Utah/Nevada border and pipe it south to fuel urban sprawl around Las Vegas has been made public. Proposed Utah, Nevada water accord could clear the way for Snake Valley pipeline. Water sharing »…
Nevada’s “water wizard” to ask for vote of confidence in face of opposition to more draining the desert- Southern Nevada Water Authority’s boss, Pat Mulroy, thought by many to be the most powerful woman in the Interior West, says she wants a quick vote from Water Authority members [this is a board, not the public]…
Ever since a black bear killed a child in a campground in 2007, bears have really taken the brunt in Utah. This story is about the latest- Garfield County cabin owner kills large male bear. Wildlife » A spate of such killings this summer has officials scratching their heads. By Tom Wharton. The Salt Lake…
So are Utah and Nevada going to team up to dewater Nevada’s Snake Valley, or is there just a bit less environmental destruction now planned? Utah, Nevada nearing deal on Snake Valley aquifer. Groundwater » Greens fret Vegas project may dry up valley around Great Basin National Park. By Brandon Loomis. The Salt Lake Tribune.…