
  • Idaho fish have a similar problem. The culprit is likely the same — Nevada gold mines- Below is an editorial from the Salt Lake Tribune on the rather shocking new findings about levels of mercury in Utah fish. In some cases the fish have so much mercury it isn’t safe to eat a single fish.…

  • Senators’ attack on federal agents dangerous in these times of wingnut extremism- Political pandering. Hatch and Bennett out of line. Salt Lake Tribune Editorial. Destruction of archelogical valuable artifacts is a well known practice in Southern Utah. Time for a federal crackdown was way past, and finally a well planned raid was carried, arresting 23…

  • Salazar’s concession to Utah’s Senator Bennett to allow Hayes to be confirmed number two at Interior doesn’t turn out like the Senator wanted- Enviros cheer, critics jeer report on ‘flawed’ oil leases. Bishop » Utah congressman calls it “crap,” Bennett is conciliatory. By Thomas Burr. The Salt Lake Tribune. From my perspective this dust-up turned…

  • Nevada wants to keep regulation out of federal hands for selfish reasons According to the Las Vegas Sun the battle over the huge mercury plume from the recently-closed (again) Jerritt Canyon mine is really over Nevada keeping control of regulating its gold mining industry. Closing mine part of bigger battle. State wants to keep feds…

  • Anshutz plans 4-6 billon dollar development- Anschutz Corp. plans masssive Wyoming wind farm. By Matt Joyce. AP. Forbes. About 40 other remote wind projects are being considered. This single project would cover over 150 square miles. – – – – – – Related: Biologists study turbines’ effect on grouse. Billings Gazette. AP 5-26. For comparison:…

  • Prosecutors ask federal court to block climate-change defense- Prosecutor is afraid of a jury. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune

  • Maybe the illegal ATV protest ride up the Paria River will be punished– Thanks to Elizabeth Parker for calling my attention to this new development. Feds reviewing BLM evidence from ATV protest ride. By Patty Henetz. The Salt Lake Tribune. – – – – – Earlier. Protesters roar through fed lands. By Mark Havnes. The…

  • This is the critical test of whether only pro-environment conscientious objection is prosecuted- Today about 1000 ATV and 4 x 4 owners are going to deliberately violate the law and charge up the Paria River’s bed in the Grand Staircase/Escalante National Monument. Because they have announced the event as a deliberate violation of the law,…

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