West Nile

  • Drought, heat, and West Nile outbreaks seem to go together- You would think mosquito borne West Nile virus and floods from wet, wet summers go together.  This is not so.  Early on it was recognized that West Nile peaks in the dryest, hottest time of the year — August. Not only that, it is worse…

  • Forget the manufactured scare about tapeworms, it’s time to be alert for real disease dangers if you are outdoors- I got my first tick the other day while hiking the foothills in the Deep Creeks SW of Pocatello. Despite numerous forays this year, I haven’t seen many ticks — luck? Nevertheless, this is the time…

  • The West Nile virus menace has now spread across most of North America, but it abates with frost and hot and dry weather that kills the virus-spreading mosquitoes. Now it has mutated to be able to better withstand hot weather. All diseases have their politics, as we have seen with brucellosis, AIDS, avian flu, MRSA,…

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