Western Watersheds Project

  • Suit asks federal judge to stop Forest Service and Park Service from participating in Montana’s annual bison slaughter- As winter comes, Montana Department of Livestock and 4 other agencies are again gearing up to kill bison that wander from the confines of Yellowstone Park under the discredited argument these will spread brucellosis. This year they…

  • Western Watersheds Project Wins Summary Judgment on the 100,000 acre Byner Complex Allotments. BLM- This no “family ranch” but a spin-off of Freeport-McMoRan mining. Here is the WWP’s news release on the victory for the American people ♦Western Watersheds Project’s Arizona Office has been granted Summary Judgment byAdministrative Law Judge Harvey C. Sweitzer in a…

  • Can you even imagine that these things are kept secret? Western Watersheds Project and Wild Earth Guardians are suing to make public that which should open and free to all. Story on Fox12Idaho News. Environmental groups sue BLM for grazing info. Associated Press

  • Rocky Barker notes this morning the Western Watersheds now is busy trying to prevent the transmission of disease from domestic to wild sheep in Arizona. . . . some important additional information. WWP now has an office in Arizona. . . also an office in Montana (Missoula), and Wyoming, Utah and California. They have several…

  • Western Watersheds Project sues BLM to protect the Burnt Creek roadless area from livestock abuse- Ever since I returned to Idaho in 1971, one place I wanted to see was Burnt Creek in the high colorful foothills on the east side of the Lost River Range. It has been selected as a wilderness study area…

  • Last Friday WWP won a reversal of a previous court decision that would have held that Presidents have the authority to designate – but not direct management of – national monuments. Preservation and the President: A Positive Development in the Sonoran Desert – Ti Hays, PreservationNation Last Friday, in a positive development, a federal district…

  • Central Idaho threatened/endangered fish habitat is threatened by public land livestock grazing.  Federal managers drag their feet.  WWP threatens to file suit. Many folk don’t realize the impact to native fisheries habitat that livestock grazing can and does have.  The Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and other land and wildlife management agencies work diligently to avoid…

  • Leading Utah newspaper praises Western Watershed’s massive lawsuit- Saving sage grouse. Judge is right to allow lawsuit. Tribune Editorial

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