wildlife corridors

  • I studied geography in grad school. One of the basic premises of geography is that maps can show graphical concepts and ideas that might not be obvious with other forms of communication. The map of roads in Greater Yellowstone serves as a powerful tool, revealing a reality that many fail to grasp. Despite the protection…

  • The Gallatin Range south of Bozeman deserves to be preserved as wilderness. Photo George Wuerthner Recently I skied into a Forest Service cabin in the Gallatin Range. Looking out on a meadow with glaciated peaks beyond gave me a chance to reflect on how lucky I was to have public lands available to enjoy. I’ve…

  • This is an area where many wildlife collisions occur each spring and fall. Good news for deer and elk which cross the highway to and from winter range. I’ve had a few close calls here myself. Wildlife underpass to be built on Idaho 21 this summer. Idaho Statesman.

  • Although proven to work, WY high value wildlife crossing projects failed to get funding- Ambitious Wyo big game underpass plan takes hit. By Jeff Gearino. Casper Star Tribune Southwest Wyoming bureau It is especially sad to see pronghorn crossing projects at Trapper’s Point near Pinedale denied. This bottleneck is a huge threat to the semi-annual,…

  • We need wildlife megacorridors- Megaconservation: Saving wildernesses on a giant scale. By Jim Giles. New Scientist.

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