Wildlife Services

  • This is hardly news. I won’t bother to put a link, but has anyone thought of this . . .? What if Judge Molloy allows the hunt, but puts the wolf back on the endangered species list? This doesn’t have to be an all or nothing kind of decision. The judge could allow the hunt…

  • Wildlife Services employee fired for reporting the illegal killing of two mountain lions from an airplane by co-workers. How much of this kind of thing actually happens? I’ve definitely heard of cases where wolves were shot at and injured by WS. AP EXCLUSIVE: Wildlife whistleblower case in NV Scott Sonner, Associated Press

  • 250 to 300 Idaho wolves could be killed if delisting occurs. On May 2nd wolves will be delisted leaving a window of at least 30 days before the decision could be enjoined by a judge. During this time, assuming an injunction, a number of things could happen at the hands of the Idaho Fish and…

  • Ranchers and Wildlife Services are asking for county tax dollars to do it. Ralph Maughan posted about this recently when it was a big secret, but now it is out in the open. Wildlife Services in Idaho is seeking flexibility to kill wolves several months after depredations have occurred. They have identified 26 packs which…

  • Another reason to eliminate this destructive agency- In the Western United States we think of Wildlife Services as the agency that kills a host of native wildlife to benefit cattle and sheep growers, but their noxious actions are more far flung. In the Dakotas they are expanding their program of dumping the herbicide Rodeo into…

  • Groups want lethal control programs ended- Here is the news release: WILLIAMS, Ore.– Today, 115 conservation, animal protection, ranching, and faith-based organizations submitted a letter to Tom Vilsack, the Agriculture Secretary nominee, urging him to end the federal government’s systematic killing of wildlife, including wolves, coyotes, bears, cougars, and prairie dogs. Members of the coalition…

  • Latest Idaho wolf report is entirely short of site specific information- There are some interesting figures on numbers of livestock and wolves killed . . . an unnecessary number of both in my opinion. It should also be noted 2 dead head of livestock, 7 wolves killed by Wildlife Services. Ralph Maughan IDAHO WOLF MANAGEMENT…

  • Fortunately the Hog Heaven Pack’s slaughter is not going away. You can bet more of this is planned- Killing of Pack Draws Cries of Protest. By Jim Mann. Northwest Montana Daily InterLake. In the article, it reads “Laudon [of MT Fish, Wildlife, Parks] said he can imagine what it would be like if the state…

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