
  • “Discovery just redefined obscenity on TV: Sarah Palin as an Alaska wildlife show host” . . . copy from anti-Palin ads- Defenders of Wildlife launches petition drive to stop Discovery Communications from launching a Palin-hosted wildlife show. I don’t know, maybe she could show us the way to clean oil off birds and turtles, or…

  • Also, any impact on hurricane season? The oil gusher will last into the hurricane season, and at some point it is likely to drift into the Gulf of Mexico’s Loop Current which will take it out of the Gulf, onto Florida’s east cost and up the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. Story: Could oil…

  • Wyoming study shows surplus killing is uncommon- So the Jackson Hole wolves rarely engage in surplus killing. This uncommon event is morphed into “killing for fun” by hard core antis. Wolves are most likely to abandon a carcass when humans disturb it, but that is only some packs.  Another Wyoming myth dispelled is that the…

  • Idaho Mountain Express says hunters and fishermen need to help in paying the expenses- This editorial certainly makes sense to me. However, I think we will find opposition to this plan from two interesting forces — wildlife watchers and hunters.  The first is easiest to explain. An unknown number, but probably quite a few watchers,…

  • They say that the director doesn’t even have the background for an entry-level position. In February, Corey Rossi, the Alaska Division of Wildlife, Wildlife Director, wrote an opinion piece for the Anchorage Daily News which opined that wildlife should be managed under the abundance-based management model which “requires man to work with the land to…

  • Yes, according to the IDFG. Over on a popular, unnamed anti-wolf website there has been discussion of using radio receivers to track and hunt wolves and the frequencies of the radio collars on them so I asked the IDFG about this. I sent them the exchanges which have taken place there and, specifically, I asked…

  • Panthera, devoted to conserving wildcats, not thrilled by decision to set aside “critical habitat” for jaguar- In his NYT op-ed piece yesterday,  “Jaguars Don’t Live Here Anymore,” Alan Rabinowitz, head of Panthera, is not thrilled that USFWS has finally decided to start the ESA process of designating critical habitat for the jaguar in the United…

  • These 2 were not as lucky as the Idaho counters/wolf darters- Fish and Wildlife plane crash in Oregon kills 2. News-Times.com. AP

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