
  • No committee of the Idaho state legislature have more influence over wildife than than the Senate and the House Resource and Conservation Committees. A look at the occupations of those on the committees show they represent an Idaho of days gone by. This kind of occupational, and so viewpoint unrepresentativeness, is fairly common in legislatures,…

  • Rural West going to the dogs. WESTERN ROUNDUP. High Country News. By Troy Anderson. Note that this is a partial article. You need a subscription to High Country News to read it all. This article is a useful corrective for those who can only worry about wolves, cougars and bears, although I don’t particularly like…

  • Everyone should read this, in part because I think a major effort to privatize wildlife and to have livestock associations assume de facto control of state wildlife departments is afoot. How public wildlife became something for sale. By Mark Henckel. Billings Gazette Outdoor Editor This article is precisely about what Robert Hoskins, Mack Bray and…

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