winter kill

  • The never-ending winter in the Northern Rockies hits deer, elk, moose, pronghorn hard- During the winter, I made a number of posts about the hard conditions for ungulates in the Northern Rockies. The failure of spring to arrive is causing deaths to continue and grow. Record wildlife die-offs reported in Northern Rockies. Reuters. By Laura…

  • Severe winter in Eastern Montana is taking huge toll on pronghorn, other ungulates- In deep snow, antelope often seek out railroad tracks and highways so they can move.  When a train comes, and fences on both sides, hundreds can die; and they are, right now. Herds of desperate ungulates dying on Montana railroads, highways.Written by…

  • Ticks, starvation – lots of things kill ungulates in Idaho : Biologists track carcases in  E. Idaho river – The Olympian It will be interesting to see whether any anti-predator group sends out an alert about the vicious ticks devastating game species in Idaho.  Perhaps we’ll see some grandstanding about the need to control the…

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