
  • Wolves will be removed from the Endangered Species List in Idaho, Montana, and parts of Oregon, Washington, and Utah within 60 days. Wolves to come off endangered list within 60 days Associated Press

  • President Obama will sign the bill into law and wolves will no longer enjoy the protection of the Endangered Species Act. The House and Senate passed a budget bill which included the rider to delist wolves in Idaho, Montana and parts of Oregon, Washington, and Utah but leaves the status of wolves in Wyoming unchanged.…

  • There has been a flurry of press and opinion about the wolf delisting rider attached to the budget bill and the ongoing negotiations in Wyoming to change their wolf management plan in the last several days. Some of the reporting is good and some misses important elements of the controversy but the issue has become…

  • New language protects Wyoming ruling over the State’s management plan. Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, new language was added to the rider which delists wolves in the Northern Rockies at the insistence of Wyoming’s delegation.  The new language intends to make it easier for Wyoming’s plan to pass muster or make…

  • The Endangered Species Act in Peril Yesterday I received an envelope containing a report which was hand-delivered to every member of the U.S. Congress. The report was prepared by the group Living with Wolves which was founded by filmmakers Jim and Jamie Dutcher. Their mission statement reads: Living with Wolves is dedicated to raising awareness about…

  • The Senate Resources and Environment Committee will be holding a hearing today at 2:00 pm on H343 in room WW02 of the Capitol building. There will likely be crowd present so be there early if you want to testify. This bill, which is likely to pass and be signed by the Governor, demonstrates exactly why…

  • It Passed 64-5 Sometimes you have to wonder……. It doesn’t seem like a good move by those who want wolves to be delisted to me. House presses on with wolf disaster declaration. Associated Press Update: According to sources in the legislature, I’m guessing that this will likely pass the Senate and be signed by the Governor.…

  • Language of the “Wolf Disaster Declaration” published. Bill Status: H0343. It is not the same language as contained in the legislation we posted in February. It essentially provides for a disaster declaration if there are more than 100 wolves in Idaho. “[T]he legislature finds that public safety has been compromised, economic activity has been disrupted…

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