
  • With all of the vitriol surrounding wolves in the Northern Rockies you would think that more and more people are opposed to wolf recovery and the Endangered Species Act. Not so fast according to a recent poll which found that Americans strongly support the Endangered Species Act and wolf recovery.  They also feel that scientists,…

  • NRM population estimate down from 1731 to 1651. Minimum population estimate down significantly in Idaho from 870 to 705. The 2010 Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Reports are out and they show a decrease in the overall wolf population. Wyoming and Montana saw slight increases while Idaho accounted the decline seen in the overall population.  It…

  • Wolves still protected under the Endangered Species Act Both of the budget bills which contained language which would have delisted wolves were defeated in the Senate this afternoon. It appears that another short term continuing resolution will be brought up to fund the government once the current CR expires on March 18th. Senate rejects rival…

  • Tonight, March 8 · 7:00pm – 8:30pm Location Idaho Outdoor Association 3401 Brazil Street Boise, ID Wolves and cougars, once driven to the edge of existence, are finding their way back — from the Yellowstone plateau to the canyons of Zion, from the farm country of northern Minnesota to the rugged open range of the…

  • Earthjustice’s lawyers chastise Schweitzer for comments on wolf management. By ROB CHANEY of the Missoulian

  • Also, a discussion about wolf delisting Here is an article that reasonably sums up where wolves are in the political landscape. Contrary to what I’ve read in other articles, it appears that Carter Niemeyer supports delisting only conditionally. He will likely be marginalized for it. Niemeyer said that while he agrees wolves should be off…

  • Molloy asked whether the 10(j) rule is even applicable Parties to the lawsuit challenging the changes made to the 10(j) rule for the experimental, non-essential populations of wolves in Central Idaho and the Greater Yellowstone filed their arguments yesterday. At issue now are not the changes made to the 10(j) rule in 2008 which ease…

  • Over the years we have heard so many times from manly-men hunters who go out into the back country with their high powered rifles, handguns, and what have you, to then come back home with tales of being scared by wolves. A recent story comes to mind but there are many others as well. Maybe…

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