
  • Delisting depends on Wyoming Well, if anyone was uncertain about Wyoming’s comfort with Federal management of wolves in Wyoming then they need to look no farther. Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal isn’t going to budge on the State’s management plan and it is unlikely that a new governor or legislature will either. EarthJustice attorney Doug Honnold…

  • Settlement, legislation, or legal challenges? I expect an overreach by the people who are angry about the relisting of wolves. There are many who are pinning their hopes on legislative action taken in the House and Senate to remove all protections from wolves under the Endangered Species Act but I think that will likely fail…

  • Only 39 Mexican wolves remain in the wild after several poaching incidents. Conservation groups are asking the USFWS to retrieve telemetry equipment from ranchers and change the frequencies of the radio collars on the wolves so that people with receivers cannot find wolves and kill them. They argue, correctly in my estimation, that the radio…

  • Extremist, wolf hating politicians blame everyone but themselves Wyoming is angry that they can’t get their way on wolves and now that a judge has reminded them that their plan sucks they’re digging in even further. Maybe the title of the article should read “GOP governor candidates, Freudenthal say they’ll keep wolves on the Endangered…

  • Wolf management plan examines killing of pups and sterilization of wolves. Wildlife Services has issued a draft Environmental Analysis which examines a myriad of ways to kill wolves. Comments on the plan are accepted until August 31, 2010. Idaho Wolf EA “Management strategies would be developed for individual situations by applying the WS Decision Model…

  • No wolves killed under the permits while they were active Caught-in-act wolf removal permits expire. La Grande Observer

  • Change could result in greater protections for Mexican Gray Wolf The USFWS has announced that they will review the status of the Mexican Gray Wolf as an endangered subspecies. The reclassification would require the Service to rewrite their recovery plan and designate critical habitat. Mexican Gray Wolf May Qualify for Endangered Species Protection Separate From…

  • Habitat and hunting play big role in declines I don’t think this is news to many people here but wolves haven’t had the effect many people claim and their role in the ecosystem is much more complex than many would like you to believe. The IDFG has issued a public report that explains that wolves…

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