
  • Photos of pups from Oregon’s first reproducing pack. More photos may be seen here.

  • Two Dead, another missing Two alpha males Mexican gray wolves have been found dead under suspicious circumstances and another collared alpha male wolf is missing. This is a disaster for the struggling population of wolves in Arizona and New Mexico. US investigates wolf killings. Tony Davis Arizona Daily Star

  • No wolf DNA found in suspected wolf scat. The claims that a wolf pack has been living on a large ranch have been seen with skepticism by some.  It appears evidence, other than sightings of an individual, indicates that there is no pack present. It doesn’t help that every wolf that ventures to the southern…

  • Louisa Willcox of NRDC writes about the Delisting Hearing Louisa Wilcox, of NRDC, has written a great piece about the hearing and how the arguments by the government were disjointed and more about the politics than the law. She raises some good points and gives more information about the judge’s questions of the government’s conflicting…

  • Recent Colorado wolf sightings still not confirmed. This is an interesting story about the possible return of wolves to Colorado. I’ve heard great skepticism about the earlier reports of evidence of breeding on or near the large ranch in northwest Colorado but it may be possible that there is an individual wolf present there. Results…

  • Judge wonders why Wyoming was left out of the delisting decision. It looks like Molloy’s decision will center greatly on the decision of the USFWS to leave out Wyoming. About that decision: “I understand the practical argument, I understand the political argument. Those two things are very, very clear. But what I don’t understand is…

  • Cumulative impacts of many factors cited A new report by the Us Fish and Wildlife Service assesses the Mexican Wolf Recovery Program and the news isn’t good. Cumulatively there are many risks for the population.  Among them are poaching, too many controls related to depredation, small litter sizes and low pup survival possibly related to…

  • 13 pets killed in a residential area of Salmon, Idaho by compound 1080. Another version of the same article in the Post Register says that these poisonings may be linked to several wolf poisonings in the area from years past. Predator poison killing central Idaho dogs. Associated Press in the Idaho Statesman – – –…

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