
  • Genetic tests indicate wolves are from Alberta/Montana. Yet another pack of wolves may be present in Washington State. They are protected by Washington’s endangered species laws however they are not protected by the Federal Endangered Species Act in the eastern third of Washington. Signs of wolf pack found in Pend Oreille County By NICHOLAS K.…

  • Greater Yellowstone Coalition reverses previous position on wolf delisting and files its own suit separate from those filed by the Wolf Coalition and the State of Wyoming. The suit was filed in Montana. This is the third suit filed over delisting. The first was filed by the Wolf Coalition, which is made up of several…

  • Senate Bill 183 would limit the number of wolves in Montana to 225. Montana State Senator Joe Balyeat (R-Belgrade) has introduced Senate Bill 183 which would limit the number of wolves in Montana to just 225. Currently the estimated number of wolves in Montana is around 500 according to the recently released Montana Gray Wolf…

  • I’m glad we answered that question. Wolves brucellosis-free. By Angus M. Thuermer Jr. Jackson Hole News and Guide

  • GPS collared wolf from Paradise Valley that roamed 1,000 miles through Southeast Idaho, Wyoming, Utah now in Colorado Yellowstone wolf visits Colorado. Associated Press.

  • Can Delisting Occur Without Wyoming? Legislature opts against new wolf rules.Casper Star-Tribune Online – Wyoming The Wyoming legislature has decided not to change its wolf management plan which has not been accepted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For delisting to occur, among other things, Wyoming must submit an acceptable plan to the USFWS.…

  • A wolf in the Cascades? Possible Wolf Sighting in Central Oregon | KOHD. Photos of what appears to be a black wolf and its tracks were taken near Highway 20 at Santiam Pass in the Cascade Mountains. Santiam Pass is between Bend and Salem, Oregon.  Here is a link to Google Maps showing the general…

  • Ranchers and Wildlife Services are asking for county tax dollars to do it. Ralph Maughan posted about this recently when it was a big secret, but now it is out in the open. Wildlife Services in Idaho is seeking flexibility to kill wolves several months after depredations have occurred. They have identified 26 packs which…

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