
  • 5 Keys to Reforming Wildlife Management in America- Over the years, I have come to realize that the current wildlife management model in America, at the federal level, and particularly, the state level, is broken. The system is such, in which, politics trumps the best-available science, the special interest-minority overwhelms the democratic-majority and the almighty…

  • Idaho’s wolf management has opened a lot of eyes in the past month. With the recent coyote and wolf killing contest that killed 21 coyotes and no wolves, the hiring of a trapper by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game to eradicate two packs of wolves in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness…

  • Will it be h0 hum or a blood bath? In Wisconsin’s continuing wolf hunt which has felled wolves at a surprisingly rapid pace, now dogs will be added to mix. Wisconsin’s wolf hunt is supposed to end when 251 wolves out of the estimated 800 in the state have been killed. So far about 215 wolves…

  • After the California Wolf Center posted a YouTube video of a phone interview with Dr. John Vucetich, who was blacklisted from being part of the peer review because he signed a letter that opposed the nationwide delisting of wolves, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has halted the selection of peer reviewers.  According to E&E…

  • I recently visited Yellowstone National Park and, while there, my father and I used a friend’s place as a base camp in Gardiner, Montana.  From there we would drive about 10 miles to the Park where we watched wildlife, took photographs, and just enjoyed some of the solitude that Yellowstone provides during this part of…

  • Can it dispell some ridiculous myths? ……Please? OR7, aka Journey, the wolf who travelled from northeast Oregon into northern California and now back to southern Oregon, isn’t unique among his species but for one thing, he is still alive.  After traveling long distance with a lot of people following his GPS collar from their computers and…

  • Rare Fishers Heavily Impacted A response to a state public records request, submitted by Western Watersheds Project to the Idaho Fish and Game Department, shows widespread capture and mortality of non-target species related to wolf trapping and snaring in Idaho during the 2011/2012 trapping and snaring season.  For the last two years, since wolves in the Northern…

  • Loss of collared wolves has had a significant effect on research of wolves in Yellowstone National Park According to a news article in the Jackson Hole News & Guide, the population of wolves in Yellowstone National Park has dropped by about 20-28% from the 2011 end-of-the-year estimate of 98 wolves. Dan Stahler, a wildlife biologist…

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