
  • Two more wolves killed in Wyoming’s “wolves-are-vermin-zone“. By Angus M. Thuermer Jr..  Jackson Hole News and Guide.

  • Good for the Greater Yellowstone Coalition on this! This alert gives the information and allows you to send an easy eletter against yet another disease-spreading elk feedlot in the Gros Ventre River drainage (of course, your completely personalized letter is always better).

  • The web has made the world a small place, but a lot of elected and other officials don’t understand that. Years of borrowing have also made the Dollar a weakling compared to the Euro. International tourists help the American economy a lot, but a number of Wyoming officials are not exactly friendly and try to…

  • Today, Monday April 28, EarthJustice is expected to file a lawsuit trying to overturn the delisting of wolves one month ago — the handover to virtually unrestricted state management. Wyoming management has resulted already in at least ten, and probably many more, dead wolves from what was the state’s population of 188 wolves. The photos…

  • Added 4-26. Federal wolf official taking top role in Wyoming. By Matt Joyce.  Associated Press Writer Mike Jimenez, who managed wolves in Wyoming for many years for the federal government under Ed Bangs in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, has taken over the role of wolf coordinator for the state of Wyoming, it was…

  • Governor: Forest deal ‘suspect’ – Federal government gave energy company broad influence over study of Wyoming Range. By Noah Brenner and Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole, Wyo. Jackson Hole News and Guide. In the process of drilling a well on public land, granting of the lease is the most important legal step. Once the lease is…

  • Pinedale, WY people fume on ozone. Casper Star Tribune. By Chris Merrill. . . . the result of the industrialization of Wyoming’s open spaces by the gas industry. This is a specific example and it fleshes out the earlier post on this web site, Recovering From Wyoming’s Energy Bender.

  • This is an op-ed piece in the New York Times giving some uncomfortable truths about Wyoming (uncomfortable to those who believe the official mythology). Recovering From Wyoming’s Energy Bender. By Alexandra Fuller (Wilson, Wyoming). New York Times.

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