
  • WY Game and Fish . . .”People shouldn’t be alarmed,” but 13 are dead already [I rewrote the headline]. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star Tribune. At the Chico Conference one of the best papers made it clear that the Wyoming plan’s cutoff of the migration route south by putting it in the wolf-are-vermin zone, is…

  • Wolf hunters urged to use restraint. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star-Tribune Some of the supporters of turning 87% of Wyoming into a free-fire zone for wolves seem to be having second thoughts. And its just not true that there is no wolf habitat in Wyoming’s wolf-are-vermin-zone. The Daniel Pack has formed and reformed time after…

  • ynp4me took the time to gather information about who to contact in Wyoming. It was sent as a comment, but due to the work involved, I am moving it to a post. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – – I made a quick list of people to contact for Yellowstone.net and then…

  • “Large numbers of hunters reportedly prowled the state’s newly designated wolf predator area in Sublette County Friday, Saturday and Sunday, locals and outfitters said.” The rest of the story is in the Casper Star Tribune. By Chris Merrill. Post-delisting wolf kills begin. Note the role of elk feedgrounds in making it easier to kill wolves.

  • Ranch agrees to end grazing near Park. Depredations pushed Diamond G to accept deal on federal land. Ranch agrees to end grazing near park. Billings Gazette. By Mike Stark. This is great news! While it hasn’t been in the news much lately, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, this ranch was a hot spot…

  • Winter ’07-08 Snowmobile Use in Yellowstone National Park Dips Slightly, Snowcoach Use Up. National Parks Traveller. One of the most interesting parts of this story is the snowmobile use of the East Entrance, bitterly kept open by political agitation from Cody business interests who say it is vital. Keeping the entrance open is a big…

  • Although not as bad as several years ago, 48 elk have died from eating a deadly lichen that grows in the Red Rim area near Rawlins. Deadly lichen killing southern Wyoming elk. By Chris Merrill. Casper Star-Tribune

  • Wyoming ozone warnings point to gas fields. Tougher ozone standards expected from EPA today. By Cory Hatch. Jackson Hole News and Guide. – – – – – Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The EPA might announce new ozone rules nationalwide today. This is not just a Wyoming issue.

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