
  • Jan. 29, 2008 We’ve covered this pointless plan to trap elk and test them for brucellosis antibodies before they go onto the Muddy Creek winter feedlot. Those that test positive are killed and the rest left to act like cattle for the rest of the winter. Regarding the slaughtered elk, most of which really don’t…

  • Those who commented on Wyoming’s wolf plan didn’t like it. The analysis of the comments has been released. Whether they lived in Wyoming or elsewhere, a majority was against it. Inside Wyoming, those inside and outside Teton County (Jackson) opposed it. Opposition was greater from those who did not live in Wyoming. Inside Wyoming, opposition…

  • As folks know, including the government of Wyoming, which fears a sage grouse listing under the ESA, large continuous areas of sagebrush steppe are in big trouble. It is fascinating how they blame wolves wolves for too few elk and then say there are too many antelope and deer and they need to have a…

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