
  • Conflicting landowner positions on wind development is scrambling Wyoming politics– If you look at a wind map of the U.S., the Laramie Mountains are perhaps the best wind area in the United States. That doesn’t mean wind gets to override property rights, however. Landowner group tries to block wind development in Northern Laramie Range. By…

  • 22 were moved, 4 killed, and three put in zoos- State relocates 22 grizzlies. By Gib Mathers. Powell Tribune as reproduced in the Casper Star-Tribune

  • Yes, the sage grouse is likely to get protection under the Endangered Species Act- Wyoming waits anxiously for federal decision on bird. Year of the grouse? By Dustin Bleizeffer. Casper Star-Tribune energy reporter. . . .  an amazing quote! “Industry and conservation leaders alike seem to agree that the restrictions of such a listing would…

  • Wyoming Gray Wolf Recovery Status Report. USFWS- I notice livestock predation by wolves in Wyoming in 2009 was really trivial. Of the dead sheep, which was up in ’09, “three packs (Big Horn, Black Butte, and Dog Creek) were responsible for all of the195 confirmed sheep depredations. The Big Horn Pack consisted of 3 adults…

  • Article shows typical livestock owners hatred of any non-commercial animal- Crows, ravens and magpies (corvids) in large populations are often the result of a disturbed environment. They are the smartest of birds. Like humans, they learn fast and thrive in changed circumstances, pushing out species that need a more stable environment. This article in the…

  • Increased mortality brings an end to wolf population growth at about 1650 wolves- Sean Ellis of the Idaho State Journal deserves some credit for digging out the information. Wolves resilient: Total number in region stable despite hunting. By Sean Ellis. Now perhaps all sides should just call it even? Doesn’t look like it.

  • Despite brucellosis and chronic wasting disease, they can’t seem to kick this bad habit- Wyoming group donates hay to feed elk this winter. AP in the Billings Gazette.

  • Reintroduction a generation ago slowly failed- I haven’t been to these low, but rugged, little known mountains. The bighorn are coming from Oregon rather than the more alpine stock in the Wind River Range of Wyoming. More sheep, more hunting? By Jeff Gearino. Casper Star-Tribune.

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