Yellowstone National Park

  • Loss of collared wolves has had a significant effect on research of wolves in Yellowstone National Park According to a news article in the Jackson Hole News & Guide, the population of wolves in Yellowstone National Park has dropped by about 20-28% from the 2011 end-of-the-year estimate of 98 wolves. Dan Stahler, a wildlife biologist…

  • Much discussed case ends with victory for bear researchers- Yolanda Evert sued the federal government over the grizzly mauling death of her husband Erwin Evert as he walked near the Kitty Creek trail on June 17, 2010. Erwin Evert came upon a male grizzly that had very recently been trapped, tranquilized, and radio-collared.  The bear…

  • Cygnet Fire burns right in the middle of Yellowstone Park- August 26, 2012. Though dwarfed by 100,000 acre+ Idaho fires, this has potential to grow. Started by lightning on the Park’s Central Plateau, it has now grown to about 1000 acres (1 1/2 square miles).   The fire is in the backcountry about 3-4 miles…

  • Dr. Smith takes makes 17 year retrospective on wolf restoration- There haven’t been as many stories quoting the tall, affable Yellowstone Park wolf manager in the last several years, but on Aug. 2 at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming, he give a talk that was covered quite well by the Cody Enterprise. Here…

  • Earlier restrictions had been lifted, but renewed hot, dry weather raises probability of fires- Due to renewed hot, dry weather after a brief rainy and cooler respite, Yellowstone Park has done the following. Closures:  Astringent Creek Trail at the junction of the Lower Pelican Creek Trail. – Upper Pelican Creek Trail at the junction of the…

  • The Associated Press is reporting that a bighorn sheep lamb in Yellowstone National Park has pneumonia. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks has been tracking sheep in the Gardiner area just north of Yellowstone National Park since reports of coughing bighorn were given to them in early December. In response FWP has killed 5 sheep but…

  • Very bad news from just outside of Yellowstone National Park. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks :: Pneumonia Confirmed in Cinnabar Mountain Bighorn Sheep. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks :: Pneumonia Confirmed in Cinnabar Mountain Bighorn Sheep Friday, December 09, 2011 Fish & Wildlife – Region 3 Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks confirms the discovery of…

  • A couple from Bozeman, who were hiking in Yellowstone National Park, successfully fended off a sow grizzly using pepper spray just days before a man was killed by a sow grizzly under similar circumstances. Bozeman Couple Encounter Bear Days Before Fatal Yellowstone Attack. NBC Montana You can read their first hand account of the incident…

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