
  • Lawsuit Seeks to Secure Public Access to Bison and Prevent Privatization of Calves FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – March 23, 2010 Contacts: Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign 406-646-0070, Summer Nelson, Western Watersheds Project, 406-830-3099, Glenn Hockett, Gallatin Wildlife Association, 406-586-1729, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA: Four conservation organizations filed a legal challenge today against the…

  • Below is this week’s Buffalo Field Campaign Update from the Field. I’ve been holding my tongue about “Buffalo Battle” which is a pilot episode for a possible new series about the bison issue and the Buffalo Field Campaign. The episode will air on December 5th on Planet Green. I’ve seen two early cuts of the…

  • Up to 318 snowmobiles and 78 snow coaches allowed into the Park each day Yellowstone plan sharply curtails snowmobiles Associated Press

  • Arnica Creek (YNP) at 9300 acres; Bearpaw Bay (GTNP) 2500 acres; more in the Gros Ventre- Fires consuming acres, but weather might turn. By Cory Hatch, Jackson Hole Daily By Wednesday morning there might be snow and an end to the suddenly exciting late season burst of wildfires. – – – – – Photos of …

  • I think the headline should read “Bison Defends Itself from California Tourist at Yellowstone National Park” as the tourist approached within 10-feet of the bull.  I’m glad the man was not severely injured but every visitor is handed a little flyer with a drawing of a person being thrown through the air by a bison.…

  • Six people were apprehended after people watching the webcam called Park officials Yellowstone Webcam Catches Men Using Old Faithful as Toilet See PEER’s press release here. Update: 2 Yellowstone workers fired after watering geyser Associated Press

  • Buffalo Field Campaign: Buffalo have returned to Horse Butte Peninsula Here is an excerpt of today’s Buffalo Field Campaign Update from the Field. You can read the entire update here Dear Buffalo Friends, Wild buffalo have returned with the Spring! The song of mountain bluebirds is in the air, and tracks of the mighty bison…

  • #6, who lost his antlers to the Park Service for attacking cars and tourists, tripped over a fence and suffocated. Famous elk found dead just north of Yellowstone. AP Seattle Post Intelligencer.

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