Buffalo Field Campaign: Buffalo have returned to Horse Butte Peninsula Here is an excerpt of today’s Buffalo Field Campaign Update from the Field. You can read the entire update here Dear Buffalo Friends, Wild buffalo have returned with the Spring! The song of mountain bluebirds is in the air, and tracks of the mighty bison…
#6, who lost his antlers to the Park Service for attacking cars and tourists, tripped over a fence and suffocated. Famous elk found dead just north of Yellowstone. AP Seattle Post Intelligencer.
Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field October 18, 2007 —————————— View BFC Video Footage: —————————— Make a Secure Online Donation to BFC: —————————— Why are they killing the last wild buffalo? —————————— Receive BFC’s updates or press releases. Send your email address to with “sub updates” or “sub…